Expression Profiling of Hspb1 and Tp53 Genes through RT-qPCR in Different Cancer Types of Canis familiaris

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Biotechnology, Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore 54000, Pakistan.

2 Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Outfall Road, Lahore 54000, Pakistan.

3 Pet center, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Outfall Road, 5400, Lahore, Pakistan.

4 Department of Sciences and Humanities, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan.



Background: Diagnostic molecular marker studies are in vogue to have insight of most prevalent animal diseases including cancer.
Objectives: Gene expression profi ling of pro and anti-apoptotic genes was conducted in dog Lymphoma, CTVT, SCC, granuloma, perianal adenocarcinoma and mammary tumors.
Materials and Methods: Cancerous tissues of 21 aff ected animals were obtained. Total RNA was extracted followed by cDNA synthesis. Comparative Ct method via Taqman assay (RT-qPCR) was used to quantify corresponding mRNA molecules, Tp53 and Hspb1, as normalized by GAPDH as the reference gene .
Results: Hspb1 showed ectopic expression in lymphoma, CTVT and mammary tumors; its down-regulation was observed in granuloma and oral SCC with fold diff erence (FD) of ±35. Similarly, Tp53 as the tumor suppressor gene with proapoptotic properties, showed up-regulation in all tumor types, notably 80% of mammary tumors and 60% of CTVT. The FD values were 33.31 and 2.27, respectively.
Conclusion: Altered transcriptomic response of Hspb1 and Tp53 was observed in all cancer types of Canis familiaris. The resulting profi le depicts the involvement of the genes in cancer pathways. Thus, the data might be helpful for diagnosis, prognosis, identifi cation and classifi cation of these widespread neoplasms in this species.


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